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The Municipal Agricultural Machinery General Station organized and held a symposium
View count:2752019 / 11 / 05

       On July 13, Chongqing Agricultural Mechanization Technology Popularization general station organized and held the city's agricultural mechanization technology exchange forum. Technical personnel of Agricultural Machinery Extension institutions, representatives of agricultural machinery socialization service subjects and representatives of some agricultural machinery enterprises from Banan, Yongchuan, Bishan and Fuling districts and counties attended the meeting.

At the exhibition and demonstration site, a number of equipment independently developed or introduced by local agricultural machinery production enterprises in Chongqing and suitable for mechanized production of orchards in Hilly and mountainous areas of Chongqing appeared one after another, which attracted the attention of participants and took the initiative to cooperate with sales enterprises and production enterprises

Enterprises understand the performance characteristics and parameters of the equipment.

At the forum, Tian Guikang, director of the Agricultural Machinery Extension expert committee, introduced the work of technical guidance, technical service and technical training of Agricultural Machinery Extension in Chongqing in recent years. Municipal agricultural industry representatives, district and county extension representatives, and agricultural machinery social service organization representatives made exchange speeches from the perspective of their own work. Finally, Zhou Bing, head of Chongqing Agricultural Mechanization Technology Extension Station, summarized the meeting and put forward several requirements: first, agricultural machinery extension technicians should love the cause of agricultural mechanization; second, agricultural machinery extension technicians should be good at research and learning, and constantly improve their ability and level; third, Agricultural Machinery Extension technical personnel should strengthen communication and cooperation to improve service level and service Fourth, the technical personnel of agricultural machinery extension should actively participate in the strategy of Rural Revitalization and promote the steady development of Agricultural Mechanization in the whole city with practical actions.